Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Longman ---preparation  course for the TOEFL TEST

STRATEGY # 1 Focus on the second line.
STRATEGY # 2 Choose answer with synonyms.
STRATEGY # 3 Avoid similar sounds.
STRATEGY # 4  Draw conclusions about who, what, where.
STRATEGY # 5 Listen who and what in passives.
STRATEGY # 6 Listen for  who and what with multiple nouns.
STRATEGY # 7 Listen for negative expressions.
STRATEGY # 8 Listen for double negative expressions.
STRATEGY # 9 Listen for "almost negative" expressions.
STRATEGY # 10 Listen for negative with comparatives.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

some, any in sentences and questions - Exercise 2

much, many - Exercise 2

much, many - Exercise 1

some, any in sentences - Exercise 1

some, any

some: affirmative statements, offers, requests and in questions when you expect the answer "yes"

any: negative statements, questions
Have you got any bananas? No, we haven't got any. But we've got some oranges.

much, many, a little, a few

Countable/uncountable nouns

much or many

much: uncountable nouns (milk, marmalade, money, time etc.)
many: countable nouns (bottles of milk, jars of marmalade, dollars, minutes etc.)
How much money have you got?
How many dollars have you got?

a little or a few

a little: non countable nouns (milk, marmalade, money, time etc.)
a few
: countable nouns (bottles of milk, jars of marmalade, dollars, minutes etc.)
He has a little money left.
He has a few dollars left.

Comentary of University Education

In the case of Tec de Monterrey  use both in the first semester the student receive general subjects before they decide what is the  topic  that they like to enroll and focus to specialize and  they chose concentration matters in their final semester.
I think is important  that  the  student focus in a subject but they need to know all the  topic or point  for make a idea  that  what they  like to do in the future.
They  need  a general education, taking classes in many fields before concentrating on a single field, in that case the student  have the opportunity to learning more and know the mayor topic that is more important for the industry or the wherever the application of  the study is relevant .
There are many point of view for different country, and the university try to focus of the need industry and the changes occurring in our world and that is how for some parts need specialized people, but sometimes it takes others people with vision and ability different and the university help to the student to found the ability for each student.
In conclusion  the university should provide the tools for the student to found the ability and focus or specialize as requested of  the necessity of the industry.

Global Warming

Global Warming
Science > Topics > Global Warming
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I think this topic is one of the most important in our times, every human suffer the impact that they cause in the natural life, plants, animals, and all suffer effect greenhouse gases produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests.
As mention in the text has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. On the other, the technological, economic and political issues that have to be resolved before a concerted worldwide effort to reduce emissions can begin have gotten no simpler, particularly in the face of a global economic slowdown.
All these aspect the liders of the world should consider very quickly, they World leaders gathered in Copenhagen in December 2009 and the meeting in Cancun, Mexico, in December 2010. to make decisions on what will happen in the coming years, new alternative energies that will help reduce pollution, identify new strategies to make our planet back to be free of pollutants and can continue life on earth without confront  to high temperature or drastic climate changes.
In addition, as global warming increases, surely poverty, malnutrition and other problems will increase This is because climate change causes droughts and floods that severely affected agricultural and livestock systems of the countries that depend heavily on agriculture. This will lead to reduced food production for both domestic and foreign markets and increase the loss of agricultural jobs and increase poverty.
We care for our world, commence from our homes to make a world free of contamination.

Joining independent clauses with coordinating conjunctions

When joining one independent clause to another, select a coordinating conjunction that logically expresses the relationship between the two clauses.Place a comma before the coordinating conjunction to separate the independent clause from the dependent clause.
FOR  reason He couldn't go home. He had no place to go.*He couldn't go home , for he had no place to go. 
AND  addition I took a taxi.She drove home.I took a taxi , and she drove home.
NOR   and notHe didn't want help.He didn't ask for itHe didn't want help, nor did he ask for it.
BUT   contrastI wanted to go late.She wanted to go on time.I wanted to go late, but she wanted to go on time.
OR    optionsShe cooked dinner.He took her out to a restaurant.She cooked dinner, or he took her out to a restaurant.
YET   unexpected outcomeShe owned a car.She didn't know how to drive it.She owned a car, yet she didn't know how to drive it.
SO    resultShe had to go.
She called a friend to drive her.She had to go, so she called a friend to drive her.