Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Longman ---preparation  course for the TOEFL TEST

STRATEGY # 1 Focus on the second line.
STRATEGY # 2 Choose answer with synonyms.
STRATEGY # 3 Avoid similar sounds.
STRATEGY # 4  Draw conclusions about who, what, where.
STRATEGY # 5 Listen who and what in passives.
STRATEGY # 6 Listen for  who and what with multiple nouns.
STRATEGY # 7 Listen for negative expressions.
STRATEGY # 8 Listen for double negative expressions.
STRATEGY # 9 Listen for "almost negative" expressions.
STRATEGY # 10 Listen for negative with comparatives.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

some, any in sentences and questions - Exercise 2

much, many - Exercise 2

much, many - Exercise 1

some, any in sentences - Exercise 1

some, any

some: affirmative statements, offers, requests and in questions when you expect the answer "yes"

any: negative statements, questions
Have you got any bananas? No, we haven't got any. But we've got some oranges.

much, many, a little, a few

Countable/uncountable nouns

much or many

much: uncountable nouns (milk, marmalade, money, time etc.)
many: countable nouns (bottles of milk, jars of marmalade, dollars, minutes etc.)
How much money have you got?
How many dollars have you got?

a little or a few

a little: non countable nouns (milk, marmalade, money, time etc.)
a few
: countable nouns (bottles of milk, jars of marmalade, dollars, minutes etc.)
He has a little money left.
He has a few dollars left.